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Related: the most important panels at sdcc 2018 venom has been sold on the idea that it takes inspiration from body horror movies like the thing and the fly, but fleischer told ew "we talked a lot about a werewolf and what it is when you get infected or bit by a werewolf", during production on the film. the venom trailer shows eddie and venom struggling against one another to take control of

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History early years (1978–1981) venom's original personnel came from three different bands: guillotine, oberon and dwarfstar. the original guillotine featured jeffrey dunn and dave rutherford on guitars, dean hewitt on bass guitar, dave blackman on vocals and chris mercater on drums who replaced paul burke, the original drummer when the band was founded.

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This may not be a surprise to those who have been following venom's production.when it was revealed that the movie would take place in san francisco, many theorized that the movie would take inspiration from the lethal protector series. in it, eddie brock moves to san francisco in search of a pacific life.

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As for spider-man: into the spider-verse, a comic-con presence has been confirmed since peter parker basically announced it in the movie's latest he mentioned, whatever presentation the lord and miller-produced film will be, an announcement of the full cast is expected - as well as the reveal of the other spider-people that will pop out in the miles morales-centered movie.

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